(Translated by Google)
It was delicious. I like that I can choose the amount of rice.
가족여행이라 인스타그램으로 미리 예약했어요.
예약한덕분에 음식이 빨리 나와서 좋아요. 장어도 부드럽고 양이 많습니다.
술도 다양해요. (Translated by Google) Since it was a family trip, I made a reservation in advance through Instagram.
Thanks to the reservation, the food came out quickly, which was nice. The eel was soft and the portions were large.
They also have a variety of drinks.
솔직히 들어갈때 잘못왔나 생각했지만 한입 먹는 순간 만족감이 극상이 되어버림. 점심에 오차즈케는 안된다 하셨지만 챙겨주시는 센스 👍 (Translated by Google) To be honest, when I went in, I thought I was in the wrong place, but the moment I took a bite, I felt extremely satisfied. Even though they said no ochazuke for lunch, they had the sense to provide it 👍
有一位女店員不確定是不是老闆娘,英文很好,鰻魚飯很好吃,價格實惠,還點了鰻肝串,讚! (Translated by Google) There is a female shop assistant who is not sure if she is the boss lady. Her English is very good. The eel rice is delicious and affordable. She also ordered the eel liver skewers, which is great!
Seulki Lee
I visited today but walked away asap. When I was sitting to the table, very unpleasant smells were there, like toilet or some trash. My company felt as same way, we had to escape from the place. Sorry for that. I believe that food and service must be great, so I left 5 stars not to be mean.
(Translated by Google)
24/12 visit
An eel restaurant in Kumamoto city.
A shop that serves an assortment of my favorite eel tails.
What bothers me is that I couldn't smell the grilled eel.
음식이 맛있고 직원분들이 친절합니다. (Translated by Google) The food is delicious and the staff are friendly.
친구가 장어덮밥 먹고싶대서 왔는데 참 괜찮네요!!😁 사장님이 한국인 되게 좋아하세요!! 맛도 맛있어요!! (Translated by Google) My friend came here because he wanted to eat eel rice bowl and it was really good!!😁 The owner really likes Koreans!! It tastes delicious too!!
8명의 인원이 갈 수 있는 곳을 찾다가 알게 된 곳.
찾기 쉽지 않다고 하여 사전에 지도도 많이 봐두고 구글맵 보고가니 찾아가는 길은 어렵지 않았으나 들어가는 길에서 담배 피시는 분이 많아 입구가 여기가 맞겠지..? 하는정도...
맛은 깔끔하고 정갈합니다 남편은 맛없으면 몇입 안먹고 그만 먹을 정도로 입맛이 까다롭지만 여기는 밥알 한 톨까지 다 먹으며 쌀의 질도 좋은 것 같다고 합니다 소식좌라면 밥의 양을 2/4 또는 3/4 정도로 줄이고 장어를 즐기셔도 좋다고 생각합니다.
여사장님 유쾌하시고 일본어를 잘 하지 못해도 한국어 일어 영어 다 하셔서 맛있게 유쾌하게 먹고 왔습니다 엉망인 일어로 주문하고 신경쓰느라 사진을 못 찍은게 아쉽네요. 일행중에 찍은 사람이 있으면 나중에 올리겠습니다
한국에서도 맛있게 먹으면 현금으로 결제하는 우리집만의 의식이 있는데 일본 와서 자발적으로 현금결제 한 첫번째 집입니다. (Translated by Google) I found this place while looking for a place that could accommodate 8 people.
I heard it wasn't easy to find, so I looked at a lot of maps in advance and looked at Google Maps, so it wasn't difficult to get there, but there were a lot of people smoking on the way in, so I guess this is the right entrance..? As much as...
The taste is clean and neat. My husband is a very picky eater, so he stops eating after only a few bites if it doesn't taste good, but here he eats every single grain of rice, and he says the quality of the rice is good. I think you can reduce the amount of rice to 2/4 or 3/4 and enjoy the eel if you are a small person.
The lady boss was cheerful, and even though she couldn't speak Japanese well, she spoke Korean, Japanese, and English so I enjoyed the meal happily. It's a shame that I couldn't take a picture because I was worried about ordering in messed up Japanese. If anyone in the group takes a picture, I'll post it later.
Even in Korea, we have a ritual of paying in cash when we eat delicious food, and we are the first restaurant in Japan to voluntarily pay in cash.
Chee Siang
Nice little restaurant! The staff are friendly and able to converse in English. Recommended if you are looking for unagi restaurant un the area!
Leon Goh
Ordered the Mabushi-Ju Extra Large & an additional bowl of rice. It was amazing! Not too many seats in the restaurant tho.
(Translated by Google)
Of course, the winter-only bamboo steamed eel is also the best.
A quick bite to eat with the friendly landlady
A good time for a quick drink.
This is a sweet little restaurant. They have 8 or so seats at the bar and a few private spaces for larger groups. It’s a stylish place, really well put together.
The two young women working there, one the owner and the other her assistant, were both really friendly and outgoing. They conversed in English well. There were also some Korean customers and they seemed to converse in that language also.
We had some sake, a delicious Ume plum cocktail, and two eel entrees. Everything was tasty. The eel was crispy on the outside, tender on the inside (well cooked). It wasn’t overly seasoned with sauce as some places tend to do. The eel was served with a small bowl of dashi, and a small plate of assorted pickles.
The restaurant is down a small ally on the left. Look for the red banner that says “eel.”
js choi
장어덮밥을 먹고 싶어서 찾아보다가 평이 좋아서 가봤습니다. 장어덮밥은 부드럽고 깔끔해서 입에서 살살 녹아 맛있었고 사장님이 친절하게 한국어로 인사도 해주셔서 재밌었습니다! 구마모토 오면 또 방문 예정! (Translated by Google) I wanted to eat eel rice bowl, so I looked for it and went there because of the good reviews. The eel rice bowl was soft and clean, melted in my mouth and was delicious, and the owner even kindly greeted me in Korean, which was fun! I plan to visit again when I come to Kumamoto!
장어덮밥 맛있어요
입구 못찾아서 한참 헤맸고요
건물 안에 있는데 밖에 간판이 안 보여서 ㅎ (Translated by Google) Eel rice bowl is delicious
I couldn't find the entrance so I wandered around for a while.
I'm inside the building, but I can't see the sign outside.
Good place
用餐環境佳,餐點好吃,幼兒友善,值得推薦的好餐廳! (Translated by Google) The dining environment is good, the food is delicious, and it is child-friendly. It is a good restaurant worth recommending!
餐點好吃,環境佳,小朋友友善,值得推薦的餐廳! (Translated by Google) The food is delicious, the environment is good, and the children are friendly. This restaurant is worth recommending!
好吃👍 (Translated by Google) Delicious 👍
36 林仁壽
(Translated by Google)
Liping Lin
好吃😋 (Translated by Google) Delicious 😋
갑작스레 장어가 먹고싶어 이런저런집을 찾아보다 찾은 음식점입니다. 방문한 당일이 1월 1일이라 영업을 하는지 걱정이 되었지만, 걱정이 무색하게도 영업중이어서 다행히 맛있는 장어덮밥을 먹을 수 있게 되었습니다. 장어는 부드럽고 맛있었으며 특히 사장님이 친절하시고 위트있으셔서 즐거운 식사를 할 수 있었습니다. 여러모로 기회가 있다면 다음에 꼭 방문하고 싶은 음식점입니다. (Translated by Google) I suddenly wanted to eat eel, so I looked for various restaurants and found this restaurant. I was worried about whether it would be open because the day I visited was January 1st, but fortunately my worries were for naught and it was open, so I was able to eat a delicious eel rice bowl. The eel was tender and delicious, and the owner was especially kind and witty, making it an enjoyable meal. In many ways, this is a restaurant I definitely want to visit next time if I have the chance.
맛있어요 가성비좋습니다 (Translated by Google) It's delicious and good value for money
굿!! (Translated by Google) exorcism!!
(Translated by Google)
The clerk was very nice.
I would like to try other menu items next time.
Bruce Lin
다녀온지 시간이 많이 지났지만 너무 맛있게 먹었어서 리뷰 남깁니다~ 가성비도 좋고 장어 크기도 좋고 느끼하지도 않고 맛있었어요! 먹다가 산초가루도 뿌리니까 색다르더라구요~같이 주는 국물도 좋아요! 사장님도 친절하셨어요. 가게 입구 찾는데 좀 어려웠습니다ㅎㅎ 사진에 보이는 입구로 들어가세요! (Translated by Google) It's been a while since I've been there, but I enjoyed it so much that I'm leaving a review. It's good value for money, the size of the eel is good, and it's not greasy and delicious! I sprinkled some sancho powder on it while eating it, so it felt different. I also like the soup that comes with it! The owner was also kind. It was a bit difficult to find the entrance to the store. Please enter through the entrance shown in the picture!
這家店外面沒有招牌,感覺像隱蔽的居酒屋,也只有日文餐牌,但店員們都非常友善親切,還主動幫我和太太拍照。(店長?)他以為我懂日語,但其實我只會打招呼和點餐的日文,很抱歉欺騙了你,哈哈。😂 (Translated by Google) My wife and I were shopping too late and many restaurants were closed, then I found this eel rice restaurant on Google Maps.
I ordered the eel rice with seaweed and wasabi (top). It was juicy, tender and surprisingly delicious. You really can’t eat such delicious eel rice in Hong Kong.
There is no signboard outside this store, and it feels like a hidden izakaya. There are only Japanese menus, but the staff are very friendly and kind, and they even took the initiative to take photos of my wife and me. (Store manager?) He thought I knew Japanese, but in fact I only know how to say hello and order food in Japanese. I’m sorry for deceiving you, haha. 😂
(Translated by Google)
It was delicious. I like that I can choose the amount of rice.
가족여행이라 인스타그램으로 미리 예약했어요.
예약한덕분에 음식이 빨리 나와서 좋아요. 장어도 부드럽고 양이 많습니다.
술도 다양해요. (Translated by Google) Since it was a family trip, I made a reservation in advance through Instagram.
Thanks to the reservation, the food came out quickly, which was nice. The eel was soft and the portions were large.
They also have a variety of drinks.
솔직히 들어갈때 잘못왔나 생각했지만 한입 먹는 순간 만족감이 극상이 되어버림. 점심에 오차즈케는 안된다 하셨지만 챙겨주시는 센스 👍 (Translated by Google) To be honest, when I went in, I thought I was in the wrong place, but the moment I took a bite, I felt extremely satisfied. Even though they said no ochazuke for lunch, they had the sense to provide it 👍
有一位女店員不確定是不是老闆娘,英文很好,鰻魚飯很好吃,價格實惠,還點了鰻肝串,讚! (Translated by Google) There is a female shop assistant who is not sure if she is the boss lady. Her English is very good. The eel rice is delicious and affordable. She also ordered the eel liver skewers, which is great!
Seulki Lee
I visited today but walked away asap. When I was sitting to the table, very unpleasant smells were there, like toilet or some trash. My company felt as same way, we had to escape from the place. Sorry for that. I believe that food and service must be great, so I left 5 stars not to be mean.
hide nanndana
(Translated by Google)
24/12 visit
An eel restaurant in Kumamoto city.
A shop that serves an assortment of my favorite eel tails.
What bothers me is that I couldn't smell the grilled eel.
음식이 맛있고 직원분들이 친절합니다. (Translated by Google) The food is delicious and the staff are friendly.
친구가 장어덮밥 먹고싶대서 왔는데 참 괜찮네요!!😁 사장님이 한국인 되게 좋아하세요!! 맛도 맛있어요!! (Translated by Google) My friend came here because he wanted to eat eel rice bowl and it was really good!!😁 The owner really likes Koreans!! It tastes delicious too!!
8명의 인원이 갈 수 있는 곳을 찾다가 알게 된 곳.
찾기 쉽지 않다고 하여 사전에 지도도 많이 봐두고 구글맵 보고가니 찾아가는 길은 어렵지 않았으나 들어가는 길에서 담배 피시는 분이 많아 입구가 여기가 맞겠지..? 하는정도...
맛은 깔끔하고 정갈합니다 남편은 맛없으면 몇입 안먹고 그만 먹을 정도로 입맛이 까다롭지만 여기는 밥알 한 톨까지 다 먹으며 쌀의 질도 좋은 것 같다고 합니다 소식좌라면 밥의 양을 2/4 또는 3/4 정도로 줄이고 장어를 즐기셔도 좋다고 생각합니다.
여사장님 유쾌하시고 일본어를 잘 하지 못해도 한국어 일어 영어 다 하셔서 맛있게 유쾌하게 먹고 왔습니다 엉망인 일어로 주문하고 신경쓰느라 사진을 못 찍은게 아쉽네요. 일행중에 찍은 사람이 있으면 나중에 올리겠습니다
한국에서도 맛있게 먹으면 현금으로 결제하는 우리집만의 의식이 있는데 일본 와서 자발적으로 현금결제 한 첫번째 집입니다. (Translated by Google) I found this place while looking for a place that could accommodate 8 people.
I heard it wasn't easy to find, so I looked at a lot of maps in advance and looked at Google Maps, so it wasn't difficult to get there, but there were a lot of people smoking on the way in, so I guess this is the right entrance..? As much as...
The taste is clean and neat. My husband is a very picky eater, so he stops eating after only a few bites if it doesn't taste good, but here he eats every single grain of rice, and he says the quality of the rice is good. I think you can reduce the amount of rice to 2/4 or 3/4 and enjoy the eel if you are a small person.
The lady boss was cheerful, and even though she couldn't speak Japanese well, she spoke Korean, Japanese, and English so I enjoyed the meal happily. It's a shame that I couldn't take a picture because I was worried about ordering in messed up Japanese. If anyone in the group takes a picture, I'll post it later.
Even in Korea, we have a ritual of paying in cash when we eat delicious food, and we are the first restaurant in Japan to voluntarily pay in cash.
Chee Siang
Nice little restaurant! The staff are friendly and able to converse in English. Recommended if you are looking for unagi restaurant un the area!
Leon Goh
Ordered the Mabushi-Ju Extra Large & an additional bowl of rice. It was amazing! Not too many seats in the restaurant tho.
ai matsuo
気さくな女将さんと ちょっとしたアテで
軽く一杯も いい時間。
(Translated by Google)
Of course, the winter-only bamboo steamed eel is also the best.
A quick bite to eat with the friendly landlady
A good time for a quick drink.
This is a sweet little restaurant. They have 8 or so seats at the bar and a few private spaces for larger groups. It’s a stylish place, really well put together.
The two young women working there, one the owner and the other her assistant, were both really friendly and outgoing. They conversed in English well. There were also some Korean customers and they seemed to converse in that language also.
We had some sake, a delicious Ume plum cocktail, and two eel entrees. Everything was tasty. The eel was crispy on the outside, tender on the inside (well cooked). It wasn’t overly seasoned with sauce as some places tend to do. The eel was served with a small bowl of dashi, and a small plate of assorted pickles.
The restaurant is down a small ally on the left. Look for the red banner that says “eel.”
js choi
장어덮밥을 먹고 싶어서 찾아보다가 평이 좋아서 가봤습니다. 장어덮밥은 부드럽고 깔끔해서 입에서 살살 녹아 맛있었고 사장님이 친절하게 한국어로 인사도 해주셔서 재밌었습니다! 구마모토 오면 또 방문 예정! (Translated by Google) I wanted to eat eel rice bowl, so I looked for it and went there because of the good reviews. The eel rice bowl was soft and clean, melted in my mouth and was delicious, and the owner even kindly greeted me in Korean, which was fun! I plan to visit again when I come to Kumamoto!
장어덮밥 맛있어요
입구 못찾아서 한참 헤맸고요
건물 안에 있는데 밖에 간판이 안 보여서 ㅎ (Translated by Google) Eel rice bowl is delicious
I couldn't find the entrance so I wandered around for a while.
I'm inside the building, but I can't see the sign outside.
Good place
用餐環境佳,餐點好吃,幼兒友善,值得推薦的好餐廳! (Translated by Google) The dining environment is good, the food is delicious, and it is child-friendly. It is a good restaurant worth recommending!
餐點好吃,環境佳,小朋友友善,值得推薦的餐廳! (Translated by Google) The food is delicious, the environment is good, and the children are friendly. This restaurant is worth recommending!
好吃👍 (Translated by Google) Delicious 👍
36 林仁壽
(Translated by Google)
Liping Lin
好吃😋 (Translated by Google) Delicious 😋
갑작스레 장어가 먹고싶어 이런저런집을 찾아보다 찾은 음식점입니다. 방문한 당일이 1월 1일이라 영업을 하는지 걱정이 되었지만, 걱정이 무색하게도 영업중이어서 다행히 맛있는 장어덮밥을 먹을 수 있게 되었습니다. 장어는 부드럽고 맛있었으며 특히 사장님이 친절하시고 위트있으셔서 즐거운 식사를 할 수 있었습니다. 여러모로 기회가 있다면 다음에 꼭 방문하고 싶은 음식점입니다. (Translated by Google) I suddenly wanted to eat eel, so I looked for various restaurants and found this restaurant. I was worried about whether it would be open because the day I visited was January 1st, but fortunately my worries were for naught and it was open, so I was able to eat a delicious eel rice bowl. The eel was tender and delicious, and the owner was especially kind and witty, making it an enjoyable meal. In many ways, this is a restaurant I definitely want to visit next time if I have the chance.
맛있어요 가성비좋습니다 (Translated by Google) It's delicious and good value for money
굿!! (Translated by Google) exorcism!!
(Translated by Google)
The clerk was very nice.
I would like to try other menu items next time.
Bruce Lin
다녀온지 시간이 많이 지났지만 너무 맛있게 먹었어서 리뷰 남깁니다~ 가성비도 좋고 장어 크기도 좋고 느끼하지도 않고 맛있었어요! 먹다가 산초가루도 뿌리니까 색다르더라구요~같이 주는 국물도 좋아요! 사장님도 친절하셨어요. 가게 입구 찾는데 좀 어려웠습니다ㅎㅎ 사진에 보이는 입구로 들어가세요! (Translated by Google) It's been a while since I've been there, but I enjoyed it so much that I'm leaving a review. It's good value for money, the size of the eel is good, and it's not greasy and delicious! I sprinkled some sancho powder on it while eating it, so it felt different. I also like the soup that comes with it! The owner was also kind. It was a bit difficult to find the entrance to the store. Please enter through the entrance shown in the picture!
這家店外面沒有招牌,感覺像隱蔽的居酒屋,也只有日文餐牌,但店員們都非常友善親切,還主動幫我和太太拍照。(店長?)他以為我懂日語,但其實我只會打招呼和點餐的日文,很抱歉欺騙了你,哈哈。😂 (Translated by Google) My wife and I were shopping too late and many restaurants were closed, then I found this eel rice restaurant on Google Maps.
I ordered the eel rice with seaweed and wasabi (top). It was juicy, tender and surprisingly delicious. You really can’t eat such delicious eel rice in Hong Kong.
There is no signboard outside this store, and it feels like a hidden izakaya. There are only Japanese menus, but the staff are very friendly and kind, and they even took the initiative to take photos of my wife and me. (Store manager?) He thought I knew Japanese, but in fact I only know how to say hello and order food in Japanese. I’m sorry for deceiving you, haha. 😂