大衆鰻 うな春は新鮮なうなぎを厳選し、熟練の職人が丹精込めて調理します。メニューは、香ばしく焼き上げられた蒲焼きから、優しい味わいの白焼き、ボリューム満点のうな重まで、多彩な選択肢を熊本市において用意しております。独自の秘伝のタレで味付けされ、うなぎの深い味わいを引き立てます。店内は和の趣を感じる落ち着いた空間で、家族連れからビジネスのお客様まで、どなたでもリラックスしてお食事を楽しんでいただけます。さらに、テイクアウトサービスも行っており、ご自宅やオフィス等で当店の味をお楽しみいただけます。
8명의 인원이 갈 수 있는 곳을 찾다가 알게 된 곳.
찾기 쉽지 않다고 하여 사전에 지도도 많이 봐두고 구글맵 보고가니 찾아가는 길은 어렵지 않았으나 들어가는 길에서 담배 피시는 분이 많아 입구가 여기가 맞겠지..? 하는정도...
맛은 깔끔하고 정갈합니다 남편은 맛없으면 몇입 안먹고 그만 먹을 정도로 입맛이 까다롭지만 여기는 밥알 한 톨까지 다 먹으며 쌀의 질도 좋은 것 같다고 합니다 소식좌라면 밥의 양을 2/4 또는 3/4 정도로 줄이고 장어를 즐기셔도 좋다고 생각합니다.
여사장님 유쾌하시고 일본어를 잘 하지 못해도 한국어 일어 영어 다 하셔서 맛있게 유쾌하게 먹고 왔습니다 엉망인 일어로 주문하고 신경쓰느라 사진을 못 찍은게 아쉽네요. 일행중에 찍은 사람이
한국에서도 맛있게 먹으면 현금으로 결제하는 우리집만의 의식이 있는데 일본 와서 자발적으로 현금결제 한 첫번째 집입니다. (Translated by Google) A place I found while looking for a place for 8 people.
I heard it was not easy to find, so I looked up a lot of maps in advance and looked at Google Maps, and the route was not difficult, but there were many people smoking on the way in, so I wondered if this was the right entrance..?
The taste was clean and neat. My husband is picky and only eats a few bites if it doesn't taste good, but he said that he eats every single grain of rice here and that the quality of the rice is good. I think it would be good to reduce the amount of rice to 2/4 or 3/4 and enjoy the eel.
The owner was cheerful and although she doesn't speak Japanese well, she spoke Korean, Japanese, and English, so we had a delicious and pleasant meal. It's a shame that I couldn't take pictures because I was worried about ordering in my messy Japanese. The person in the group who took the pictures
In Korea, we have a family ritual of paying in cash if we eat something delicious, but this is the first place I've voluntarily paid in cash since coming to Japan.
Chee Siang
Nice little restaurant! The staff are friendly and able to converse in English. Recommended if you are looking for unagi restaurant un the area!
Leon Goh
Ordered the Mabushi-Ju Extra Large & an additional bowl of rice. It was amazing! Not too many seats in the restaurant tho.
ai matsuo
気さくな女将さんと ちょっとしたアテで
軽く一杯も いい時間。
(Translated by Google)
Of course, the winter-only bamboo steamed eel is also the best.
A quick bite to eat with the friendly landlady
A good time for a quick drink.
This is a sweet little restaurant. They have 8 or so seats at the bar and a few private spaces for larger groups. It’s a stylish place, really well put together.
The two young women working there, one the owner and the other her assistant, were both really friendly and outgoing. They conversed in English well. There were also some Korean customers and they seemed to converse in that language also.
We had some sake, a delicious Ume plum cocktail, and two eel entrees. Everything was tasty. The eel was crispy on the outside, tender on the inside (well cooked). It wasn’t overly seasoned with sauce as some places tend to do. The eel was served with a small bowl of dashi, and a small plate of assorted pickles.
The restaurant is down a small ally on the left. Look for the red banner that says “eel.”